Go out in style with
Premium Dog Bandanas
Handcrafted, 100% organic cotton.
Luxurious Attention to Detail
Creating a better fit for every body type.
BETTER PROPORTIONS. The easy way to produce bandanas is to cut 90° squares, rinse and repeat. But we find that this approach turns bandanas into long bibs, and on most dogs, we just don’t think it’s a good look! Our entire bandana line features carefully tested measurements that create a more pleasing proportion and are also easier to tie.
THOUGHTFULLY TAILORED. Hand-sewn pleats create a gentle curve to make for easy tying and also cause a "break" in the fabric to encouraged soft folds around the neck.
SUSTAINABLY MINDED. We do our best to responsibly contribute to both the environment and the creator economy. Buying organic cotton promotes ecosystem health and conserves more water than conventional cotton. And, we proudly promote individual artists who’s designs we love.
Stay cool with
Lightweight Dog Bandanas
Handcrafted, 100% organic cotton, unlined.